Channel: Visual Studio and Visual Web Developer Express
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Unable to start debugging on the web server using Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition.


I apolgize if this has been posted before, but I couldn't exactly find my issue with searches. 

I'm trying to setup Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition (or any express version that will do this) on my taptop running windows 7 64 bit.  I have IIS 7.5 setup and working with the code, but I want to be able to debug my code in an IDE.  We have some old ASP 2.0 files that we occasionally have to maintain, but when I try to run the debugger I get this error: Unable to start debugging on the web server.  The web server cannot find the requested resource. 

I have the project loaded into the IDE, but I have no idea what is causing the problem.  It seems like the express versions don't have all the features of the full product, but I do need the debugging setup and since the buttons are there I assumed that they worked and this has to be a configuration issue.  Any ideas as to how to fix this and get the code running in VWD Express Edition?

Last of all, since we don't do much ASP work anymore, upgrading to a full product and buying a license isn't an option.

Scripting Business intelligence Visual Studio Express 2008

I would like to create a report in BIVSE 2008 and script its generation once a month using dynamic data (eg, passing it the month name).
Can this be done in VB, C# or otherwise, using Visual Studio C# Express or equivalent?
Many thanks.

Bug in update when I try to publish?


I have Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2013 for Web. I have always used FTP as publish method. I haven´t changed any settings.
Now when I ty to publish it says "This operation is not supported for relative URI".
I click Ok and then Close and the publish window turns black and the program hangs.

If I try to do web deploy I can´t delete characters, the cursor instead deletes from the page in the background.

Is it just me with this problem?


If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty


I have a WebPage with VB.NET - I have an inventory system that if a part number is not showing in a textbox (example textbox45.text) then it skips the command
and goes to the next one (textbox51.text). I have tried a couple of commands
'If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(TextBox45.Text) Then
'If TextBox45.Text = True then

It returns an error @TransactionName - However, when I check the SQL data table, it did add only the data with text
in the textbox(s) and skipped the blank one(s) as I wanted to do. But can't get past the error.

Any help would be great! thanks.

'If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(TextBox45.Text) Then
'If TextBox45.Text = True then

cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text
With cmd.Parameters
.AddWithValue("@TransactionName", "Consumed")
.AddWithValue("@TransactionDate", TextBox2.Text)
.AddWithValue("@PurchaseOrder", TextBox8.Text)
.AddWithValue("@UnitsSold", "-1")
.AddWithValue("@Date", TextBox2.Text)
.AddWithValue("@StationID", TextBox1.Text)
.AddWithValue("@WhseID", TextBox4.Text)
.AddWithValue("@WipLocation", DropDownList1.Text)
.AddWithValue("@InvName", TextBox45.Text)
End With
'End If

cmd.Connection = cn



'If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(TextBox51.Text) Then
'If TextBox51.Text = True Then
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text
With cmd.Parameters
.AddWithValue("@TransactionName", "Consumed")
.AddWithValue("@TransactionDate", TextBox2.Text)
.AddWithValue("@PurchaseOrder", TextBox8.Text)
.AddWithValue("@UnitsSold", "-1")
.AddWithValue("@Date", TextBox2.Text)
.AddWithValue("@StationID", TextBox1.Text)
.AddWithValue("@WhseID", TextBox4.Text)
.AddWithValue("@WipLocation", DropDownList1.Text)
.AddWithValue("@InvName", TextBox51.Text)
End With
'End If

cmd.Connection = cn



Visual Studio Professional 2012/2013 license for 1-5 developers



At my job we are going to have .NET development for the first time and want to buy Visual Studio, we need Visual Studio for 1 - 5 developers, do we need to buy 5 lisences  ? Where can we find cost for 5 lisences ?

Which one is recommended VS 2012 or VS 2013 , our Web Server CAN NOT HAVE LATER THAN .NET FRAMEWORK 4.0 ?

Compilation error causes entire site to fail


I have a class that is throwing a compilation error. The problem is that it causes the entire .NET website to fail. Any .aspx page that I go to shows that error.

What are my options? Surely there is a way to isolate the class or to tell the rest of the site to carry on even if one of the classes has a compliation error. But I am not seeing it.

Thanks in advance.

No option to open remote website in VS2014?


In VS 2008 I can open a remote website. VS 2014 doesn't seem to have this option.

Is there some way to do this? If not, why would this feature have been removed?

installation visual studio ultimate problem (visual studio requires a computer with a newer version)


how to slove this problem? i found on alot web site not find a best solution @@

Visual Studio 2010 Publish Web Application to only single dll?



i tried my web application to a single dll but i can't i did read this forum posts but i can't. 

i have a web application also my application has a only web form(default.aspx) i want publish my web application to a single dll without default.aspx

please help me.

Thanks, regards

get latest and run unit tests of code


Is there a way to run unit tests when I get latest? vs 2013.

Visual Studio 2013 Optional Features to Install



I am installing visual studio 2013 professional edition on my development box and have question on what features need to install ..

I am going to develop a MVC or Web Forms Web Application which communicates to SQL Server 2005

I want to install only features that are required for development, please let me know if my understanding is correct


Blend for Visual Studio --- NOT REQUIRED as I am not going to use HTML5 or XAML or WPF or Silverlight

LightSwitch -- NOT REQUIRED as I am developing only Web Application, nothing related to Desktop /Cloud

Microsoft Foundation Classes for C++ -- I am going to use C# 4.0, do I need this ?

Microsoft Office Developer Tools -- Not Required , I am not going to develop anything related to sharepoint OR MS Office, BUT I NEED TO CREATE CSV TEXT FILES, READING CSV Files -- I Don't need this right ??

Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools Not Required -- it installs SQL Server 2012 components, but my applications talks to SQL Server 2005 -- I might use Entity Framework , do I need this ?

Microsoft Web Developer Tools -- Required

Silver light Development Kit -- Not Required Application does not have any Silver light development/features --

How to deal with .csproj.user being created/modified by Visual Studio before the project is run?


So, what is the problem?

The problem is that Visual Studio considers .csproj.user a dependency of the project being run.

Let us assume the following:

 - We have a freshly built solution containing a web application project `X` as the Start Up project. 
 - There are Silverlight applications served by the X web application.
 - There is no `X.csproj.user` file initially.

Now consider the following flow of events:

 1. Open the solution in the Visual Studio
 2. Build.
 3. Run.
 4. A dialog is open to ask whether Silverlight debugging is to be enabled. Enable it.
 5. Stop the debugging session.
 6. Run again.
 7. Stop the debugging session.
 8. Run again.

Assuming nothing is built at step 2 (because the solution is totally up to date), will there anything be built at steps 3 and 6?

The answer is affirmative and here is why:

 - The X.csproj.user file is actually created by Visual Studio when the project is requested to run. What happens next is that the X.csproj.user file is considered a dependency of the project X by the Visual Studio. Being created just now the file is newer than the project binaries and so Visual Studio builds the project X. This explains why the project is built at step 3.
 - When we agree to enable Silverlight debugging Visual Studio records this agreement in theX.csproj.user file. So the file is modified again, after the project has started running. Restarting the debugging session is going to build the project X yet again, after allX.csproj.user is again newer than the binaries built a second ago. This explains why the project is built at step 6.

Fortunately, nothing is built at step 8.

Call me petty, but I want to avoid the builds at steps 3 and 6. The problem is that I am not allowed to check in the X.csproj.user file, because that is likely to create a mess with people accidentally checking in their private changes.

On the other hand, I am unable to move its default content (along with the agreement to enable Silverlight debugging) into the project file X.csproj. Well, I can, but it is just being ignored.

So, here is my question - is it possible to separate the content stored in a .csproj.user into two groups:

 - Permanent. These are the things I would love to have in the .csproj file. It will be checked in.
 - Temporary/Private. These are the things private to individual developers. Never checked in.

Visual Studio already allows this separation for certain properties - see the Apply server settings to all users (store in project file) checkbox in the Web properties tab of a Web application project - http://olalalittlen.wordpress.com/2011/07/20/vs-tips-managing-server-settings-in-web-projects-for-multi-developer-scenarios/. However, it is insufficient.

Any other ideas on how to prevent the aforementioned redundant builds are welcome too.

Blend for Visual Studio HTML/CSS WYSIWYG editor only for windows apps not for web/asp.net apps?


Hi there,

In the process of learning Visual Studio (VS) and ASP.NET, I initially thought that I could use Blend for VS's seemingly great HTML/CSS WYSIWYG editor to visually design the HTML pages and CSS for a web app developped with VS, whether it be with ASP.NET MVC or Django (using Python Tools for Visual Studio).

But now it dawned on me that Blend for VS seems to only be meant to design HTML/CSS for native Windows 8 apps, and not web apps.

Can someone confirm that this is indeed the case?

Thanks a lot in advance for clarifying this point for me.

PS: Maybe this a dumb newbie question, but from the outside, it seems rather counter-intuitive to offer a top-notch tool forweb standards (HTML/CSS) edition (Blend for VS), all integrated with a top-notch tool for web development (VS) but prohibiting the web developer community to leverage the productivity gains of both the former and the integration. This is especially puzzling given that the latest components of the ASP framework (MVC, SPA projects):

- Pushes for reliance on HTML elements and CSS instead of ASP elements and Skin files;

- VS apparently also does not provide a visual design page view for ASP.MVC projects, which is sure to make many development teams wary of migrating from web forms to MVC.

chat room timer conversion



I am in the process of converting UChat from C# to VB in VWD2010. I ran into an error I can not figure out on the Global.asax file....

here is the section of code

<%@ Application Language="VB" %><%@ Import Namespace="ASPNETChat" %><%@ Import Namespace="System.Threading " %><script runat="server">

    Sub Application_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
        ' Code that runs on application startup
        System.Threading.Timer (ChatRoomsCleanerTimer = New System.Threading.Timer(New TimerCallback(ChatEngine.CleanChatRooms), null, 1200000, 1200000))

    End Sub

the errors I am getting are:
1) 'Timer' is a type in 'threading' and cannot be used as an expression

2) ChatRoomsCleanerTimer is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level ...... maybe declare this up top?

3) delegate system.threading.timer callback requires an addessOf expression or lambda expression as the only argument to its constructor

4) Nill constant is no longer supported; use system.DBNull instead........I change this one and then I get the cannot be used as an expression error

Or maybe someone has an example of a chat program in VB they could point me to.... I have searched all over with no luck only ones I find are in C



Connecting to Access database


First off, let me state, I'm not a developer, nor a true programmer, I just create a little websites here and there, and now I'm stepping up to Visual Studio/expressions from FrontPage.

With that, I'm trying to break away from FrontPage database wizard, and connect to my access database on my website hosted by GoDaddy. I follow the instructions:

1. Open aspx page on my hosted site through the explorer.

2. Select, drag and configure  AccessDataSource

3. Select, drag and configure GridView

The test query works fine, shows the data. The gridview works fine, and show the data columns. But when I open the page in the browser, I get Service Unavailable error.

What is wrong? The code is below:

      <form id="form1" runat="server">
    <asp:AccessDataSource ID="AccessDataSource1" runat="server"
        DataFile="~/fpdb/KSEA Inventory Data.accdb"
        SelectCommand="SELECT [Material], [From_Convention_ID], [From_Convention], [From_Conv_Start] FROM [Conv_Direct_Transfer]">
    <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AllowPaging="True"
        AllowSorting="True" AutoGenerateColumns="False" CellPadding="4"
        DataSourceID="AccessDataSource1" EnableModelValidation="True"
        ForeColor="#333333" GridLines="None">
        <AlternatingRowStyle BackColor="White" />
            <asp:CommandField ShowSelectButton="True" />
            <asp:BoundField DataField="Material" HeaderText="Material"
                SortExpression="Material" />
            <asp:BoundField DataField="From_Convention_ID" HeaderText="From_Convention_ID"
                SortExpression="From_Convention_ID" />
            <asp:BoundField DataField="From_Convention" HeaderText="From_Convention"
                SortExpression="From_Convention" />
            <asp:BoundField DataField="From_Conv_Start" HeaderText="From_Conv_Start"
                SortExpression="From_Conv_Start" />
        <FooterStyle BackColor="#990000" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="White" />
        <HeaderStyle BackColor="#990000" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="White" />
        <PagerStyle BackColor="#FFCC66" ForeColor="#333333" HorizontalAlign="Center" />
        <RowStyle BackColor="#FFFBD6" ForeColor="#333333" />
        <SelectedRowStyle BackColor="#FFCC66" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="Navy" />



Mapped Breakpoints in mvc views not working


I am having a problem with my script on my MVC view.  I want to step through it to find out the error.  So I put in breakpoints.  Much good that did.  The execution never once stopped at any of the break points.  On this thread http://forums.asp.net/t/1578094.aspx?mapped+breakpoints+in+mvc+views+not+working  the reply marked as the answer by XiaoCheng Fan - MSFT on 07-19-2010 06:01 AM  indicate that all that was necessary was to uncheck the "Disable Script debugging in Internet Explorer." 

I don't know where he got the idea that this was correct.  It is patently incorrect.  None of the breakpoint are working.  Yet I know that a couple of days ago I was able to step directly from an action that had been called using ajax into the subsequent JQuery/Javascript.  I have also seen breakpoints work in the $(document).ready() function.  So I don't understand why they are not working when I need them.

I am using Visual Studio 2012, MVC 4 EF 5.

Visual Studio 2012 Update 4 will not install and now Visual Studio will not work.


When starting to install Visual Studio 2012 Update 4 I first get this warning

Installation errors may occur because the security certificate updates
that are required to install some Visual Studio components cannot be applied to this computer.
This can occur when you are not connected to the Internet or when a group policy setting on your computer prevents Visual Studio from
automatically applying the security certificate updates.
If you choose to continue,
some Visual Studio features may not work as expected. For more information,
see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=317796.

Then when installing I get to the section for acquiring Windows App Certification Kit x64 Patch.  At this point the installation process stops and asks me if I want to get the it from the directory with the installation file or from the internet.   I choose the installation directory.  It spins for a time then ask me the same question again. When the first attempt fails I say get it from the internet. However that fails as well.  Then the cancellation of setup leaves 1/2 of the installation completed and the other half not even attempted.

I uninstalled the VS 2012 Update 4 installation.  Then I got the iso for the stand alone installation.  However when I tried to burn it to a dvd, I go the error, file format incompatible.  When we have seen that error here before, it meant the the attempt to download the file to the navy's machines had corrupted the file.  It was necessary to download the file from outside of the Navy network, (which as a contractor I don't have the rights to do.)

So I tried to continue working with the older version of VS 2012.  Now it reports every solution as "incompatible".  So I can't do any work.

I am attempting to install VS 2012 Update 3 in hopes of getting the IDE to once again recognize my projects.  However I now get the warning

Microsoft Root Certificate Authority 2010 or 2011 is missing 
and can cause installation failures for some signed packages. For more info, see http://support.microsoft.com/kb/931125.

This will end up leading to the same error that started this.  So I went to the link that they listed and instead I get a Microsoft Support empty search results page.

I tried the install anyway and sure enough this led to the same error that started this.

However after carrying out the partial update of my Visual Studio, I was hoping that enough had been done to allow my projects to be opened again. That was not the case.

So I did a search on the kb 931125. It took me to this link http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_7-windows_update/windows-7-64-bit-not-being-offered-kb931125-roots/aae0741d-df61-4a28-aaa3-d77c80929af1?auth=1 This link provided a link to download a file to update the Microsoft Certificate, here: http://download.windowupdate.com/msupdate/update/v3/static/trusted/en/rootsupd.exe But that resulted in a 503 error, when attempting to load.

I posted this on a Visual Studio Set-up forum page, but as usual in that forum I go no help at all.


Update:  I ran a repair from Add/Remove Programs.  After running for 1.5 hours I am now allowed to open my project.  And itsays it has Update 3 on there.  Hurray!!!


Edward R. Joell MCSD MCDBA

Migrating projects from Visual studio 2005 to Visual studio 2012


We have moved from Visual studio 2005 to Visual studio 2012.

So we need to rebuild the Windows applications, Web applications as well as Windows services using Visual Studio 2012

When we rebuild these projects, is it a best choice to target to use .netframework 4.5 and rebuild them? Will we face any problems in doing so??

Greatly appreciate any inputs.. thanks!!

I want to know the size of just vs 2013 update 2 ?


I installed vs 2013 with update 1 

know when I try to download update 2 the size of it , is about 2,766 MB 

but I don't need vs and just need to download update 2 

help me where can I find the update 2 installer


regards :


Cannot Start Visual Studio Express 2013 for Web



I installed  Visual Studio Express 2013 for Web and when I try to Open a New Project or Website, I see the following message - 

Your trial has expired. Sign in to extend the trial

When I click on Sign In I get the following error message - 

Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.

I can't open Visual Studio Express 2013 for Web.

Any clue!


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